
Annual Designated Safeguarding Leads Conference

  • Refreshments available from 8.30pm for a prompt 9am start
  • Places initially limited to 1 per school
  • Audience; Designated Safeguarding Leads
  • The conference is free to attend to all Rochdale schools and those that subscribe to REAL Trust
  • Lunch will be provided

This advanced level safeguarding training conference is offered as a mechanism to support the statutory requirement for DSLs to attend training relevant to their role.  KCSiE states that “ Training should provide designated safeguarding leads with a good understanding of their own role, how to identify, understand and respond to specific needs that can increase the vulnerability of children, as well as specific harms that can put children at risk, and the processes, procedures and responsibilities of other agencies, particularly children’s social care.”  The conference this year will address themes and issues impacting on children and families in the Rochdale Borough and provide support to schools safeguarding teams managing them.`

  • Facilitator
  • Venue & Travel Information


The Village Hotel

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